Urban Air Pollution Control

Urban air pollution control equipment are used in Residences, Hospitals, Hotels, Institutions, households and vehicles. The ozone filtration technology is used to remove household contaminants like cigarette smoke and other odor, pet dander, allergens, mold spores and dust stirred up from air conditioners. In vehicles, precision filtration systems reduce emissions coming out engines, exhaust pipes and air conditioning systems.
The sterilizing power of ozone is used against bacteria, microorganisms, fungi, and certain insect larvae. This characteristic proves ozone to be a much stronger, and greener, solution than hazardous chemicals. The environment for the incubation of any kind of bacteria are places where little ventilation exists, temperature is warm, and a degree of humidity prevails. Mold and mildew are destroyed by ozone. In addition to removing all of the impurities in the air, ozone is also a great treatment for odor control.
In olden days, many odor emitting activities have been in rural areas where odor within a short distance was not a problem. However, as urban areas continue to encroach upon these rural areas, existing odors are offensive to the new population.
Our industry leading technology is provided all the way from small Residential & Commercial to large Industrial systems.
We have developed special package units for commercial kitchens and restaurants to maintain very high hygiene in their premises. Our vision for the modern commercial kitchen is a kitchen that offering better fire-protection, a safe and healthy work environment and little to no impact on nearby residents. In short: A kitchen in harmony with its surroundings.
Continuous and reliable purification of air with ozone reduces the emission of cooking fumes considerably. This in turn reduces possible risk of complaints from neighbors who may be disturbed by the smell
The ventilation system in a kitchen serves to dissipate heat, moisture, fat, cooking fumes and to provide fresh air supply.Fat (fumes) is the number one enemy in a restaurant kitchen. Grease is flammable, burning at high temperatures and can lead to large, difficult to extinguish fires. Requirements for odor reduction are much greater if the exhaust duct is positioned close to residential buildings.

By purifying the exhaust air and the kitchen flue duct you enable:

Increased fire safety
Odor reduction
A safe workplace
Lower sweeping costs
Reduced material costs